is an agreement of subnational government signatories from around the world who are committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions by a minimum of 80% below 1990 levels or to under 2 tons of carbon emissions per capita. The choice of 2 tons per capita was given in recognition that many less industrialized regions do not emit high amounts of greenhouse gas compared to regions such as those in the US or Europe, so an emissions cap would be a more reasonable goal for them than a high percentage reduction.
The agreement was the product of a July 2014 roundtable meeting convened by the Renewables 100 Policy Institute with California Governor Jerry Brown, Baden-Wuerttemberg Environmental Minister Franz Untersteller, and energy agency leaders from both Germany and California. The meeting was the culmination of two years of regular bilateral knowledge exchange efforts that Renewables 100 had been facilitating between top leaders and senior staff from California and Germany.

California Governor Jerry Brown, Angelina Galiteva and Diane Moss from the Renewables 100 Policy Institute
We had recently organized a series of first of their kind tours for grid operators, policymakers, and the Governor to meet with their counterparts in Germany, and had issued a report following these intensive visits that contained a recommendation that California and Germany, as two major renewable energy and climate policy frontrunners, ought to create a Memo of Understanding on greenhouse gas reduction to spur subnational momentum leading up to the COP 21 in Paris. At the July 2014 roundtable, Governor Brown and Minister Untersteller agreed with our recommendation that their two states ought to collaborate on setting and achieving parallel energy and climate targets, and Governor Brown recommended those present at the meeting become the Working Group on this groundbreaking international initiative. The Under2MOU was unveiled in May 2015, highlighted at the COP in Paris, and went on to gather numerous signatories, as well as create a powerful call to action.
Roundtable meeting 2014

Diane Moss Renewables 100 Policy Institute | Professor Eicke R. Weber Director Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE & Board Advisor Renewables 100 Policy Institute | Baden-Wuerttemberg Environmental Minister Franz Untersteller

California Governor Jerry Brown | Angelina Galiteva & Diane Moss Renewables 100 Policy Institute | Professor Eicke R. Weber Director Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE & Board Advisor Renewables 100 Policy Institute | Dr. Harry Lehmann, General Director of the Federal Environment Agency Germany (UBA) & Board Advisor Renewables 100 Policy Institute |

Diane Moss Renewables 100 Policy Institute | Dr. Harry Lehmann, General Director of the Federal Environment Agency Germany (UBA) & Board Advisor Renewables 100 Policy Institute | Ken Alex, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Governor Jerry Brown

Edwin M. Lee, Mayor of San Francisco | Professor Eicke R. Weber Director Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE & Board Advisor Renewables 100 Policy Institute | California Governor Jerry Brown | Ken Alex, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Governor Jerry Brown