United States
Featured Work
Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES)
The Renewables 100 Policy Institute is collaborating with the University of California, organized Labor, the Office of the Governor of California’s Department of Economic Development (GO-Biz) and other partners to create the Alliance of Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES), California’s public-private hydrogen (H2) hub consortium to accelerate the development and deployment of clean, renewable H2 projects and infrastructure. Clean hydrogen can integrate and supplement renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and advance a zero-carbon economy. ARCHES is a response to an $8B award program at the US Department of Energy to create up to 10 regional H2 hubs to build self-sustaining H2 economies of producers, infrastructure, and users. Learn more about ARCHES
Offshore Wind Learning Exchange
In view of California’s growing commitment to including offshore wind in its portfolio of solutions for reaching 100% renewable and carbon free electricity by 2045, and the urgency to better understand the full spectrum of opportunities, complex challenges, and best practices involved in such an endeavor, we have been collaborating with the California Energy Commission (CEC) to facilitate learning exchanges between California state, tribal, labor, environmental, and environmental justice leaders and senior staff and experts in front runner regions on offshore wind in Europe and the US East Coast. The purpose has been for leading stakeholders in California to gather lessons learned from those with greater experience and to build important relationships that can help accelerate understanding for all. In September 2022, we partnered with the CEC to organize a study tour to Scotland, Denmark, and Germany to visit several offshore wind farms and meet with developers, researchers, political leaders, and other key stakeholders, in order to better understand how they have overcome barriers and are approaching the future. In March 2023, we again partnered with the CEC to lead a similar tour to Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Maryland, where offshore wind has recently begun to be deployed.
View the CEC presentation on the March 2023 Offshore Wind Study Tour here (Presentation starts: 00:29:36)
Read the Coastal Commission memo on the September 2022 Offshore Wind Study Tour here.
Read our report on Offshore Wind: Bicoastal Collaboration and Energy Justice.

Zero Emissions Vehicles Policy Strategies Working Group
Since 2013, at the request of the Office of the Governor of California and in partnership with the Office of the Governor of New York and California and New York state energy agencies , the Renewables 100 Policy Institute has been facilitating a monthly bi-coastal working group of policymakers and regulators to identify solutions to challenges, distill best practices and advance policies to accelerate the statewide and national transition to zero emissions transportation. Read about the program’s inception here: PEV financing workshop

Leadership Education and Policy Best Practices
We regularly convene educational meetings with energy leaders from the public and private sectors and apply our expertise to helping identify policy and regulatory frameworks to overcome challenges to achieving a reliable, 24/7/365 renewable energy system across that benefits all.