Advisory Board Member News: Prof. Richard Ottinger Visits LA to Study Air Pollution Mitigation

We were honored to host Pace Law School Dean Emeritus Richard Ottinger, who serves on Renewables 100 Policy Institute’s Advisory Board, during his recent trip to Los Angeles,

Prof. Richard Ottinger
Renewables 100 Policy Institute Founder Diane Moss – Advisory Board Member Prof. Richard Ottinger, Renewables 100 Policy Institute Founder Angelina Galiteva
Prof. Richard Ottinger
Prof. Richard Oettinger – Running for Congress to clean up the Hudson River
Prof. Richard Ottinger
Prof. Richard Ottinger Visits LA to Study Air Pollution Mitigation

We were honored to host Pace Law School Dean Emeritus Richard Ottinger, who serves on Renewables 100 Policy Institute’s Advisory Board, during his recent trip to Los Angeles, during which he met with a range of experts for a comparative study on air pollution challenges and solutions in Los Angeles and Beijing.  We had a  chance to interview with this veteran champion of the environment about his early days as a U.S. Congressman when he was battling to clean up the Hudson River and his current work on the air pollution study