International Conference
Berkeley, CA | April 12-13, 2018
Pathways to 100% Renewable Energy gathers top experts to address the opportunities and challenges in transitioning away from dependence on fossil and nuclear resources to 100% renewable energy sources system wide and across sectors. The event focuses on the urgent need for this transformation to protect our environment, strengthen economies, and drive innovation.
The theme of the 2018 conference is Toward Electrification In All Sectors : Getting Across the Finish Line, in view of the increased role the electrical system will have in enabling the decarbonized electricity, gases, and fuels needed to go 100% renewable energy economy wide and at scale, as well as in view of the need to get from ideas to action and from part way to entirely reliant on decarbonized renewable sources for all energy uses.
Lead Organizers
Angelina Galiteva, Founding Board Chair, Renewables 100 Policy Institute
Diane Moss, Founding Director, Renewables 100 Policy Institute
Conference Co-Chairs
David Hochschild, Commissioner, California Energy Commission
Danny Kennedy, Managing Director, California Clean Energy Fund
Media, Sponsorship & Technical Inquiries
Matthias Bank, Media & Outreach Director, Renewables 100 Policy Institute