1st International Conference
San Francisco, CA | April 16, 2013
Angelina Galiteva & Diane Moss, Founders of Renewables 100 Policy Institute
Opening Keynote
Dr. Eric Martinot, Senior Research Director at the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies
– Overview of 2013 REN21 Renewables Global Futures Report
Panel 1
Financing and Policy Drivers Of Cost-Effective Renewable Energy Advancement
Paul Gipe, Founder of Wind-Works
Dr. Jose Etcheverry, York University Associate Professor and Sustainable Energy Initiative (SEI) Co-Chair
Angelina Galiteva, Renewables 100 Policy Institute Founder
Marco Krapels, Rabobank N. America Vice President
Joachim Seel, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Researcher
Dr. Harry Lehmann, German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) Director
Panel 2
Overcoming Technical Barriers to 100% Renewable Energy in the Power Sector
Angelina Galiteva, Founding Board Chair of the Renewables 100 Policy Institute
Keynote Speaker
Stephen Berberich, President/CEO of CAISO
David Renne, President of the International Solar Energy Society
Dr. Alexa Lutzenberger, Prof. at University of Leuphana
Frank Lacey, Vice President of Comverge
Janice Lin, Exec. Dir. of the California Energy Storage Alliance (CESA)
Peter Asmus, Principal Research Analyst, Navigant
Dr. Mark Jacobson, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Director, Atmosphere/Energy Program, Stanford University
Dr. Harry Lehmann, German Federal Environment Agency (UBA) Climate & Energy Director
Luncheon Keynotes
Introduction: Melanie Nutter, Director of the City and County of San Francisco Department of the Environment
Luncheon Keynote
Dr. Donald Aitken, Principal of Donald Aitken Associates
Luncheon Keynote
Frances Moore Lappé, Author and Founder of the Small Planet Institute
Luncheon Keynote
Edwin M. Lee, Mayor of San Francisco
Panel 3
Integrating 100% Renewable Energy Into the Transportation Sector
Cliff Rechtschaffen, Senior Advisor to California Governor Jerry Brown
Introduction: Cliff Rechtschaffen,
Steve Davis, CEO of KnGrid
Tom Gage, CEO of EV Grid
Peter Dempster, Business Development and Sales Manager at BMW’s Drive Now
Riggs Eckelberry, CEO of Origin Oil
Panel 4
Zero Net Energy Buildings: Samples and Best Practices from Around the World
Andrew McAllister, Commissioner of the California Energy Commission
Stefan Henningsson, Senior Advisor Climate Innovation at World Wildlife Fund (WWF) International
Byron Benton, Training Director Zero Net Energy Center Alameda County
Riggs Eckelberry, CEO of Origin Oil
Robert Fortunato, Creator of the Green Idea House
Tom Thompson, SEBANE, CEO, Gridwerks Consulting, Inc. Policy Director, New York Solar Energy Society (NYSES)
Mike Layton, Assistant Business Manager Southern California Pipe Trades, DC No. 16
Panel 5
Communities and Regions Leading the Way to 100% Renewable Energy
Dr. Donald Aitken, Principal of Donald Aitken Associates
Bertram Fleck, Head of the District of Rhein-Hunsrueck, Germany
Bob Dixson, Mayor of Greensburg, Kansas
R Rex Parris, Mayor of Lancaster, California
Dr. Peter Moser, Manager of Renewable Energies and Regional Climate Protection at deENet and 100ee (100% renewable energy regions in Germany)
Kirsten Hasberg, Founder of Energy Democracy TV
Shawn Marshall, Vice Mayor of Mill Valley, California and Founder of LEAN
Danielle Murray, Renewable Energy Program Mgr,for the City of San Francisco Dept, of Environment
Stefan Schurig, WFC Climate and Energy Director
Closing Program
The Renewables 100 Policy Institute team started the closing session by encouraging everyone to help build the will so clearly needed by supporting the first worldwide movement to Go 100% Renewable Energy launched in 2010 by the Institute on www.go100percent.org.
Dr. Tanay Uyar, President of Eurosolar Turkey and Head of the Faculty of Engineering Energy Section at Marmara University in Istanbul, reminded the audience that we must not forget that achieving 100% renewable energy is a detail in the larger context of our vast an long shared living space heated and lit by of sun. He also invited participants to join him in Turkey where Eurosolar Turkey is actively engaged in studying how to achieve 100% renewable energy targets.
Adarsha Shivakumar, Head of the Youth Advisory Board at the Alliance for Climate Education (ACE) closed the conference with a call to action from youth across America. He and his team reminded the audience that children across the globe are depending on the adults with expertise and decision making power to make the transition to 100% renewable energy happen, in order to solve the planetary crises facing us all. “The price we pay for the privilege we have (in the developed world) is the duty to use that privilege for the good of others. My freedoms don’t end where your nose begins. My freedoms end where my responsibilities begin,” declared Shivakumar. “While we may disagree on how we get there, most of us share the same goal of a better future, and it is this unity that we must remember as we try to make a better world for all.”